maandag 3 november 2008

Photo Challenge # 23 Make Over

This weekend we were on the road with our camper and woke up in this beautiful misty landscape. But then when the sun came through the trees it looked amazing and I didn't know how fast to could get to my camera and go outside. My dh had no idea what I was doing. But later that day at home, he really like the result when I showed his this picture.

Last week we suddendly had a lot of snow so I had the chance to take this picture! Tried to do something different with this so Photoshoped it with a lot of filters untill I got this effect that I liked :)

8 opmerkingen:

Unknown zei

wow, that made a huge difference. Great choice of pic and great editting. What gorgeous picture.

Dig-Photos n Scrappings zei

wow good photo..l ove the snow ones sorry here in place hardly not get snow at all. mawahh.. i know cold.. but hardly..

jopke designs zei

Your pictures are fantastic Jorinde. What a beautiful sunrise. Love your editing on the snow picture.

countryluvengal zei

Oh wow beautiful photos! Great editing on the snow pic!!

Leah zei

WOW!!! Amazing!

Val zei

the first one is awesome, but the second one is so unusual that I just LOVEEEE it!

Lenore Ryan zei

Your makeover is just gorgeous. The photo is magnificent on it's own but you're enhancements have made it even better! Wonderful work!!

Wendy zei

Okay so I am waiting for a Dragon to pop out from the mist on that first one, gorgeous!! Love it!! I really like the second one with the branches and snow...that is too sweet!! Great job Ma'am!